Undergraduate Degree Programs

Biological Sciences Undergraduate Program (BSCI)

Biological sciences is the University of Maryland’s second most popular undergraduate major, with more than 1,800 students. Students can choose to specialize in general biology, cell biology & genetics, ecology & evolution, microbiology, physiology & neurobiology, or individualized studies. The Biological Sciences Undergraduate Program is administered by the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences and is coordinated by the Departments of Biology, Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, and Entomology. [Learn more]

Biochemistry Undergraduate Program (BCHM)

Biochemistry is the undergraduate major that provides students with a molecular-level understanding of biomolecular structure and function. Students complete foundational courses in chemistry followed by biochemistry courses to obtain deep knowledge of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and metabolites, and their role in living systems. This knowledge is reinforced through a sequence of organic chemistry, bioanalytical chemistry and biochemistry laboratories, preparing students for career pathways that include health professions, biotechnology, education and other fields. [Learn more]

Environmental Sciences - Biodiversity and Conservation (ENSP-BIOD)

Biodiversity is invaluable to the process of evolution because it represents the pool of resources from which evolution can select. It is the key to adaptation to changes: the greater the biodiversity, the more resilient an ecosystem will be following natural disasters or human intrusions. This major provides a background in the biological principles that influence the diversity of life, especially those that create and those that reduce diversity. Students learn about the natural sciences and human context of environmental problem solving while completing a lower level, multi-disciplinary "core" and a structured, exploratory advising program. [Learn more]

neuroscience (neur)

The Neuroscience major exposes students to rigorous training in the interdisciplinary study of brain and behavior. Students complete a required set of Neuroscience (NEUR) courses as well as a supporting sequence of coursework in mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, and psychology. Students then choose an advanced program track of upper-level coursework in (a) cellular, molecular, and physiological neuroscience or (b) behavioral and cognitive neuroscience. Students completing the major will earn a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience. This major is jointly offered by the Department of Biology in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences and the Department of Psychology in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. [Learn more]